Motomatch (Social Media)

Social Media Marketing

Motomatch offers an easy-to-use online platform that securely collates and presents purchase offers from approved dealers to individuals looking to part with their vehicles. Their mission is to save customers valuable time while buying or selling cars by allowing the platform to do the hard work of matching buyers and sellers based on the vehicle.


Increase in Facebook post clicks


Increase in Facebook reach


Increase in Instagram website taps

Motomatch (Social Media)

Social Media Marketing

Motomatch offers an easy-to-use online platform that securely collates and presents purchase offers from approved dealers to individuals looking to part with their vehicles. Their mission is to save customers valuable time while buying or selling cars by allowing the platform to do the hard work of matching buyers and sellers based on the vehicle.


Increase in Facebook post clicks


Increase in Facebook reach


Increase in Instagram website taps

Brief & Objectives

Motomatch approached Ruby Digital to assist the brand in becoming a market leader in the online car sales (new and used) industry. In addition, their objectives were to attract customers to the platform, as well as increase overall brand awareness and online presence.

When Motomatch came to us, they were experiencing low site traffic and low SERP (Search Engine Results Page) rankings due to the high competition of the motor vehicle industry and needed to increase their brands reach and generate more leads . Furthermore, they had little to no organic growth on their social media platforms.

While their offering was a unique venture in the South African market, very few people were aware of the brand and its unique selling points (USP).


We began our social media management in August 2020 with Facebook and Instagram, focusing the majority of our efforts towards Facebook as we identified more of their target market as being on this platform. A challenge for Motomatch was that the motor vehicle industry is a very competitive market. Our counteraction was that we developed an organic social media strategy that directed more resources toward value-added content.

Initially, we had more generically focused campaigns, but after learning more and more about what audiences are interested in our content, we were able to adapt our strategy by segmenting value-added content for certain categories of audiences. We targeted users who wanted to buy or sell their vehicle; another segment was focused on dealerships; and we created a segment focused on Motomatch’s USP, which is their car evaluation calculator.

Our primary goal was to raise brand and platform awareness, increase responsiveness, and educate the audience on how Motomatch works. Our secondary goal would be to increase brand authority in order to convert customers (mostly returning dealers) into platform advocates through engagement and organic testimonials via comments and @mentions.

Later on throughout the strategy, we adapted our focus to also prioritise increasing conversions through the organic social media channel in order to more effectively drive dealer signups and, more importantly, customer vehicle listings.

Our Solution

  • We achieved Motomatch’s objective by identifying key performance indicators for measuring Awareness, and developing a reputable social media presence.
  • Our awareness focus was aided with improving conversion numbers to focus on buying or selling customer’s vehicle submissions and car dealership sign ups. To do this posts were optimized for link clicks with engaging posts to encourage click throughs to the website.
  • Awareness: We continued to grow the brand and create awareness for the platform, whilst continually expanding its reach.
  • Posts were optimized and targeted for increasing reach and growing awareness by creating value-adding posts to increase shares and thereby further increase reach.
  • We continuously grew Facebook followers and likes on a monthly basis by creating value-adding posts and engaging with any questions platform users may have, thereby improving brand authority and retention.


Motomatch saw great social media results over the 21 months (August 2020 – April 2022)


Comparing first 10 months vs last 10 months: We saw a 73.25% increase in Post Clicks

Comparing first 10 months vs last 10 months: We saw a 93.06% increase in Reach


Comparing first 10 months vs last 10 months: We saw a 128.39% increase in Website Taps

Comparing first 10 months vs last 10 months: We saw a 23.22% improvement in Profile Reach

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