CRO agency in Cape Town & Johannesburg

Website Conversion Optimization Services

Unlock your website’s full potential!

What is Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO)?

Conversion rate optimisation is all about streamlining the experience visitors have with your website, so they’re more likely to take the action you want them to.

By removing elements which may be distracting or confusing, and making on-page content more compelling, conversion rate optimisation can dramatically increase conversions on your website.

Better yet, you’ll start seeing results straight away.

That’s what a CRO agency like Ruby Digital does. We identify what your website visitors don’t like, and make it better! That means more sales, leads and more revenue for you.

What is a ‘conversion’?

When’s the right time to partner with a conversion rate optimization agency?

What does a conversion rate optimization agency do?

What factors and page elements influence conversion rates?

Our website conversion optimization services include:

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Market & Competitor research
Our CRO agency starts by analyzing what your customers expect from a website like yours, so we know which areas to focus on. We examine what your competitors are getting right, so we can formulate strategies to outperform them!

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Website & Analytics Audit
Then, we assess your website structure for any easily-rectifiable errors and bring in data from analytics platforms to see what deeper problems might be affecting your conversion rate.

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Desktop & Mobile Audit
Your website needs to remain highly navigable, welcoming and user-friendly, no matter what device or gadgets your potential customers are using. That’s why our conversion rate optimisation services will test your website across desktop and mobile devices.

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Split (A/B) Testing
We use split testing on your website to determine the best layouts, schemes and copy. This results in the highest ROI for your business. Our conversion rate optimisation company will then focus its efforts on that winning design.

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Long-term Strategy for Sustained Growth
Consumers’ tastes and preferences change over time. That’s why our conversion rate optimization agency does not think of CRO as a ‘do it once and forget about it’ exercise. We’re in it for the long haul, helping our clients keep up with a rapidly changing world – and ahead of the competition!