The Impact of ChatGPT on SEO & Performance Marketing

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence (AI) tool that has taken the world by storm. Launched in November 2022, it quickly became the most popular consumer app in history, reaching 100 million monthly active users just two months after going live. It is the first AI tool to be widely available to the public, and its success has sparked a wave of innovation and investor interest in AI technology.
But what can and can’t it do? And what does this mean for SEO and performance marketing in general? Read on to find out!  

Everything You Need To Know About Google Analytics 4

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the switch from Google Analytics Universal to Google Analytics 4 (GA4)? You’re not alone! This change can be confusing, especially for those who have been using the old platform for many years. As of July 1st, 2023, GA UA will no longer process any data – so it’s best to start getting familiar with the new interface (GA4) as soon as possible. 

The Challenges of Voice Search in Performance Marketing

Voice search is a type of voice recognition technology that enables users to conduct searches with natural language instead of typing. It works by recognising and interpreting human speech, converting it into text, and finding the most relevant results based on the user’s query. 

Planning Digital Marketing Budgets for 2023

As we move towards a new year, businesses are starting to think about their budgets for 2023. This includes planning for marketing expenses. Marketing budgets can be especially tricky to plan because there are so many variables to consider. You have to think about your goals, your audience, your platforms, and your overall strategy. 

MQL vs. SQL: The Difference and Why It Matters

It’s no secret that the sales and marketing teams operate on different timelines and with different goals in mind. Generally, the marketing team is responsible for generating leads, while the sales team is responsible for converting those leads into paying customers.

What is a subdomain, and how does it work?

Subdomains are an important part of website management, and they can offer a number of benefits for your website. In this blog post, we’ll explain what subdomains are, how they work, and the benefits they offer. We’ll also provide some tips on setting up and using subdomains effectively. 

How to Recession-Proof Your Marketing and Thrive During a Downturn

With a looming US recession and inflation on the rise, many South African businesses are already feeling the pinch. But every challenge also presents opportunity, and with some forward-thinking strategies, your marketing can not only weather the storm, but actually come out ahead.

On-Page Content Hierarchy

Learn how to expertly order your content to maximize user experience and conversions while decreasing your bounce rate at the same time.